Blondie of Arabia

The true story of an American Woman’s bicycle journey through the heart of the Middle East. Alone.
A solo performance written, performed (and lived) by MONICA HUNKEN

Blondie of Arabia has all the elements of what makes a monologue profound. It has as its base great inspiration from a real life experience; it has a provocative cause and then adds an extremely talented writer and performer on top of that. Hunken is a monologist to be watched. This is solo performance at its very best.

Directed by LAURA NEWMAN
Lighting Design by Evan True and Jessica Lynn Hinkle
Sound Design by Monica Hunken 
Originally Produced at The Living Theatre 

Photos by Hunter Canning

Two weeks before Christmas, Monica flew into the heart of the Persian Gulf to work a catering job at a royal wedding party and ended up biking across three countries in the Middle East. Alone. This play chronicles the true story of her desert odyssey. Watch the broke, blonde American swerve her bicycle through close encounters with military capture, sex tourism, Gulf royalty, three wedding parties and near death. As Monica perseveres in her adventure as a parade of one, defeating trouble at every turn, indulging her super-hero fetishism, she discovers her biggest adversary might be herself.


Accolades and Past Tours for Blondie of Arabia

Produced at The Living Theatre in NY, NY

Produced by Culture Project in NY, NY


In Amsterdam and Utrecht, The Netherlands, 

July and August 2011:  De Parade Theater Festival

Performed 3 shows a day in De Luxe Tent
with 3 parades in between. 
Sold out houses


In Athens, Greece, 
July 2011:

Performed Blondie of Arabia and taught 
a Physical Storytelling Workshop in 
International Festival of Making Theater



In Prague, Czech Republic, 
June 2011: Apostrof

13th International Festival of independent and amateur Theatres - Prague 2011

Blondie of Arabia won First Place for Audience Choice Award 


In Sibiu, Romania, 
June 2011:

Performed in Festivalul Internaţional de Teatru de la Sibiu at Oldies Pub 

"Whether you are a Romanian, Arab, American, what we have in common is that we live on the same planet, we are all humans and we all have dreams and wishes....
The artists’ show amused and amazed at the same time but it also has a deep meaning."

- Sibiu Festival Review

Blondie of Arabia was selected for the 18th annual LA Women's Theater Festival
March 24th- 27th at the Electric Lodge in Venice, CA