Written and Performed by Monica Hunken

Devised with and directed by Melissa Chambers
Original Sound by Xana Chambers 
Technical Direction by Evan True

Produced by Polish Cultural Institute and Culture Project

Photos by Hunter Canning

The Wild Finish is one of the most exciting theater pieces I’ve seen in years. If you want to know where theater can take you, get on Monica’s bike.
— Author, Stephen Wangh "Acrobat of the Heart"

Invited to "Meetings with the Storytellers of the World" Festival in Lublin, Poland at Grodzka Gate Center-NN Theatre this summer!

June 18-22nd

Invited to Studio Alta Theatre in Prague, Czech, Republic on a double bill with Husam Abed, Founder of Dafa Puppet Theatre.

June 26th

On a snowy Easter Sunday, Monica embarked on a bicycle journey across the vodka-soaked roads of Poland in search of the man who haunts her–a man of power, genius, fame and violence–her grandfather. Along her path, she squats and pogos with anarchist punks in old factories, barely escapes a knifing by Neo-Nazis, hides in churches and is hypnotized in a para-theatrical workshop. You will be led by many eccentric guides through this surreal landscape; a mohawked bike messenger, Ingrid Bergman, a girl with a third eye and your bewildered hostess, Monica Dudarov Ossetynska Hunken, heiress to cult and Slavic royalty.

Produced by Culture Project Women Center Stage Festival

Produced by Polish Cultural Institute and Culture Project at ABC NO RIO

Selected for Amsterdam International Fringe Festival

Selected for Porsgrunn International Theater Festival, Norway

Selected for Horse's Mouth Theatre Festival in Sydney, Australia



The Wild Finish

Monica Hunken, one of the eminent actresses of our time, has created a play about her grandfather that is both autobiographical and innovative. An extraordinary artist, she is able to use her body and her voice – in fact several voices – to expand the theatrical vocabulary so that the spectator rides the myriad aspects of an extraordinary life.
— Judith Malina, Living Theatre